Teen Wiccan


Draw Love Into Your Life

This is from Micaela on EverythingUnderTheMoon.net. Give them a visit. They have plenty of great spells.

You will need:

A red candle

A pink candle

Red or pink flower petals

Some purple lilacs

A red pen

White paper

An envelope

Some perfume

A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.