Teen Wiccan


My Online Book of Shadows

- PLEASE realize that magic is NOT about turning people into frogs or making your classmate's hair fall out. Magic is the use of nature's energy to make improvements in your surrounding.

** A basic rule all wiccans have in common is that harm should me done to NONE, including yourself.**

- Don't worry about messing up! As long as you have good intentions and you focus your energy on your goal, it will be fine.

- A few people want to know why I have no spells to make someone fall in love with you. Love spells are tricky. Using a spell to manipulate someone is against the beliefs of wiccans. Even using a spell to make someone more open to love in their life is manipulative and can have repercussions. However, wiccans do use spells to make themselves more open to love in their life in general. It is what you want and you are not harming or manipulating anyone, so go for it.

Circle Casting and Preparation

- Casting a Circle
- Consecrating a Tool
- Charging a Tool
- Cleansing Bath Ritual (Video)


- General Self Protection Chant
- Protection and Blessing of the Book of Shadows
- Protection for your House
- Object Protection
- Anti-Nightmare Chant



- Draw Love Into Your Life


- General Luck Spell


- General Success Spell


- Magick Mirror Beauty Spell
- Glamour Spell
- Clear Skin Spell
- Let Your Beauty Free

Sabbat Rituals and Traditions

- Imbolc Ritual
- Imbolc Traditions